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The Future is Virtual Reality

Virtual Reality (VR) as a concept has been around since the 1950s, 但直到最近,计算能力才达到了可以提供令人信服的体验的程度. First popularised by the Oculus Rift VR headset, and with investment from tech giants such as Google, 微软, 脸谱网, 和三星, consumer grade products...



August 14, 2017

Virtual Reality (VR) as a concept has been around since the 1950s, 但直到最近,计算能力才达到了可以提供令人信服的体验的程度. First popularised by the Oculus Rift VR headset, and with investment from tech giants such as Google, 微软, 脸谱网, 和三星, consumer grade products are now readily available, 将VR从一个小众的技术爱好迅速转变为一种易于使用的媒介.

What does this mean for architects and designers?

作为建筑师, we’ve long understood the value of working in three dimensions; designing only in plan is a common criticism of architectural students. SketchUp和Revit等软件工具使建筑师能够更有效地进行3D设计, 3D Studio MAX和V-Ray等可视化工具可以让我们在承包商进入现场之前就看到我们设计的空间. Architects never get to experience their spaces until they are built, 依靠丰富的经验来理解这些空间的最终感受. VR bridges this gap between the design model and the eventual built space, allowing architects to experience their spaces and make changes, before costly building work starts.

VR is unlikely to fundamentally change the way architects themselves work, in much the same way that CAD – and to a lesser extent BIM – haven’t changed what we do at the fundamental level; VR is just another tool in our arsenal. It is in the arena of client engagement where VR truly shines though. 大多数客户都很难解释建筑平面图,甚至传统的3D可视化也可能无法完全传达空间的细微差别. VR can place our clients into our designs, 为我们提供关于这些空间是否按预期工作的即时反馈. 对于医疗保健和酒店市场,创建全尺寸房间模型是常见的做法, VR could circumvent, or at the very least minimise, 这需要用一个虚拟的房间来代替全尺寸的模型来进行测试.

目前,VR主要是视觉感知,也有一些提供听觉模拟. As software and hardware advance, the VR experience could become more tactile; the introduction of haptic feedback devices will allow a user to feel the virtual objects they’re touching. 也许甚至剩下的感官,嗅觉和味觉,最终也会有与VR相对应的东西.

As VR gains widespread public acceptance, 甚至有一天架构师会被要求设计完全虚拟的环境. 从物理和预算的限制中解放出来,我们的想象力可以自由发挥,然后我们将创造什么样的世界? The sky is no longer the limit.

IBI Group is just beginning its journey into VR. 今年早些时候,我们成立了一个特别小组,调查我们如何在设计过程中有效地使用VR,这项工作的结论最近发表了. 全球可视化服务团队正在带头实施他们的建议. Extensive trials with 360°的图片 团队现在正在调查在AG平台创建VR演示套件所需的硬件和软件工具, with very promising early results from both Revit and SketchUp.

VR技术为早期设计调查和强大的客户演示工具提供了令人兴奋的机会. 我们的愿望是在这些技术的设计应用方面走在前列,并在未来12个月内在AG平台广泛使用.

Woman rides a bike wearing a virtual reality headset

图像中 Pexels 通过Pixabay

客户对3D可视化的期望越来越高,这推动了工作流技术的显著改进. 逼真的视觉效果目前提供了我们预期设计的最佳印象, but nevertheless remain a somewhat basic offering. 即使是动画“演练”也只能提供不那么严格定义的体验,同时也会消耗大量资源.

However, the use of BIM模型 is now creating the foundations for the implementation of VR, enabling us to move into the next phase of client interaction and presentation. VR还通过提高客户理解和加快审批流程带来的生产力效益,提供了显著节省成本的可能性.

Working with a healthcare client in the north west, IBI正在试验360˚图像和VR头显,以改善和增强视觉欣赏 more immersive experience. 这种方法加速了客户团队对我们设计方案的理解,反馈也非常积极——客户对决策更有信心,对提出的解决方案更感兴趣.


Lead image by StockSnap 通过Pixabay



Headshot of Matt Clementson

写的 Matt Clementson

Associate Director | Practice Lead, Design 技术